Summer Legs are Made in the Winter: 4 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season for Vein Treatments

Summer Legs are Made in the Winter: 5 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season for Vein Treatments

Most people don’t think much about their veins in the winter when they are indoors and their legs are covered up beneath warm layers of clothes. But if you want to hit the pool and the beach this summer without feeling embarrassed about unsightly veins, the winter season is the best time for vein treatment! Keep reading to learn 4 reasons why many patients prefer to have their veins treated in the winter. 

Common Vein Conditions and How We Treat Them 

There are many types of vein conditions, the most common of which are varicose veins and spider veins. Varicose veins often show up as large, gnarled veins under the skin’s surface, and are sometimes indicative of larger circulation issues. They are often the result of dysfunctional valves that cause blood to flow backwards and collect in the veins, making them enlarged.  

Spider veins are very small veins that appear as a red, purple, or blue web of veins just below the surface of the skin, and are typically just a cosmetic issue. Interventional Radiologists and specially trained providers use minimally invasive procedures to treat these vein conditions and reduce the displeasing appearance often associated with them.

Endovenous laser therapy, or EVLT, is used to treat varicose veins. During this procedure, a thin flexible tube with a small laser attached to the tip is inserted into one of the abnormal veins in the leg. The laser is used to seal off the abnormal vein. This causes the blood to be redirected and to circulate more efficiently through other healthy veins. As a result, patients often experience a significant reduction in symptoms along with improved appearance of their legs.

Sclerotherapy is another minimally invasive treatment offered for spider veins. During this procedure, a small needle is used to inject an irritant solution into the vein, causing it to collapse and be reabsorbed so that it is no longer visible on the surface of the skin. 

Why Have Vein Treatments Performed in the Winter Time?

Give Your Body Time to Recover

1. Give your body more time to recover before you shed layers in the summer 

After you receive one of these minimally-invasive treatments, your body needs a little time to recover from treatment and absorb your veins. If you have your vein treatment during the winter months, your veins will have plenty of time to disappear so that you can reveal your vein-free legs when the weather gets warmer! 

ression socks concealed underneath long pants

2. Keep your compression socks concealed underneath long pants

Many times after vein treatment, your doctor will ask that you wear compression stockings to assist with natural blood circulation and speed up healing. Because compression stockings are thick and tall, most people don’t like to wear them with shorts in the summer. In the winter, however, compression stockings can be hidden underneath long pants and winter clothing—no one will even know you are wearing them! 

Hide Any Potential Side Effects

3. Hide any potential side effects

Having your vein treatment in the winter also means that you can wear long pants to hide any potential side effects. After vein treatment, you may experience mild bruising, redness, or swelling. Not only will you be able to more easily hide these side effects in the winter, but you will also be able to mitigate side effects by wearing compression socks.

Avoid skin discoloration caused by the sun

4. Avoid skin discoloration caused by the sun

Patients who have recently undergone vein treatment should avoid exposure to the sun due to the potential for skin discoloration. Avoiding the sun is a lot simpler in the winter! Having your vein treatment in the winter means that you won’t need to take extra precautions to avoid the sun since you are already bundling up to stay warm.

Treat Your Veins at UVA

If you deal with varicose or spider veins and want your legs looking and feeling great for the summer, have you veins treated in the winter! If you are interested in having one of the minimally-invasive vein treatments mentioned above, look no further than the highly skilled providers and Interventional Radiologists at UVA.

For patients near Charlottesville, Virginia, call 434.924.2722 to schedule a consultation at our Charlottesville Vein Clinic. For patients in Northern Virginia, call 703.712.6062 to schedule a consultation at UVA Vein and Vascular Care Gainesville

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