Why UVA?

Most people don’t think about medical imaging (like X-ray, CT, and MRI) as the key to optimal healthcare. But it is just that. Imaging is often one of the first steps in providing care, and it dictates what will happen next.

This means it is so important for medical imaging to be done right the first time!

For example, a child comes to the ER after injuring his arm, and the first thing the doctor does is order an X-ray.

Is the arm broken? Is there a torn ligament? If it’s broken, will the child need surgery or pins to keep the bone in place while healing? Is a cast or a sling the better option?

Imaging answers these questions and more. Without imaging, there would be only guesswork.

At UVA Radiology and Medical Imaging, there are over 100 radiologists, doctors who spend their days looking at medical images, diagnosing problems, and recommending treatment. Each one is subspecialized, meaning they have had up to 14 years of training that makes them experts in looking at specific parts of the body.

We have dedicated pediatric radiologists, breast radiologists, musculoskeletal radiologists, interventional radiologists, and more.

This subspecialization is important because it means that these radiologists are the best of the best; and they have the highest success rate in correctly diagnosing problems.

At InsideView, we want to share the heart of what UVA Radiology and Medical Imaging is all about. Here, there is a place to hear the stories of patients and staff, find answers to your questions about exams and procedures, and explore ways to connect with us.

We’re happy you’re here!

The InsideView Team